
PrimeTime™ qPCR Probes

Generate reliable, high-quality gene expression analysis data with double- and single-quenched fluorescent hydrolysis probes

PrimeTime qPCR Probes are 5′ nuclease probes, available with an assortment of reporter-dye combinations that are compatible with common qPCR instruments and that include several license-free combinations.


  • Select from a wide range of license-free dyes, including FAM, Yakima Yellow®, SUN™, HEX, Cy® 3, Texas Red®-X, and Cy® 5 dyes
  • Reduce background signals, even with longer probes, when using ZEN™ or TAO™ Double-Quenched Probes
  • Successfully multiplex using double-quenched probes
  • Choose from the convenient 0.5–2.5 nmol packaging size for digital PCR (dPCR) platforms
  • Achieve high efficiency of probe-based qPCR under fast or standard cycling conditions
  • Minimize troubleshooting─PrimeTime qPCR Probes are quality controlled via electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS)* and HPLC-purified

* With the exception of mixed base oligos, which could potentially represent multiple sequences and therefore cannot be accurately evaluated by ESI-MS.

Yakima Yellow (YAK) is a registered trademark of EliTech Group, Cy is a registered trademark of Cytiva, and Texas Red is a registered trademark of Molecular Probes, Inc.


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Choose from a wide variety of synthesis scales, dyes, and quenchers, including several license-free options. Prices and estimated turnaround times depend on the degree of complexity. For more information on dyes and quenchers, see Product details. Guides for compatible dye and quencher combinations are available in the Resources tab. For multiplex applications, consult the PrimeTime Multiplex Dye Selection Tool.

PrimeTime qPCR Probes—Standard level

The minimum guarantees are listed for probes that are 15–35 bases in length.

5' Reporter Dye(s) / Emission (nm)QuencherMinimum yield guaranteeMinimum yield guaranteeMinimum yield guarantee
15 nmol25 nmol50 nmol
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ$252.00 USD$358.00 USD$537.00 USD
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ$252.00 USD$358.00 USD$537.00 USD
Iowa Black FQ$252.00 USD$358.00 USD$537.00 USD
5' Reporter Dye(s) / Emission (nm)QuencherSynthesis Scale / Minimum Guarantee
100 nmol / 10 nmol250 nmol / 25 nmol1 µmol / 50 nmol
TAMRA$280.00 USD$386.00 USD$593.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 1$280.00 USD$386.00 USD$593.00 USD
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ$319.00 USD$453.00 USD$670.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 1$341.00 USD$491.00 USD$743.00 USD
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQN/A$453.00 USD$670.00 USD
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ$319.00 USD$453.00 USD$670.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 1$341.00 USD$491.00 USD$743.00 USD

* ZEN/Iowa Black™ FQ is a double-quenched probe, which provides superior performance compared to traditional single-quenched probes. For more information, download the PrimeTime Custom qPCR Probes Flyer.

PrimeTime qPCR Probes—Complex level

The minimum guarantees are listed for probes of 15–35 bases.

5' Reporter Dye(s) / Emission (nm)QuencherMinimum yield guaranteeMinimum yield guaranteeMinimum yield guarantee
2 nmol8 nmol20 nmol
ATTO 425
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ*$390.00 USD$580.00 USD$865.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 1$432.00 USD$632.00 USD$906.00 USD
TAMRA NHS EsterN/A$581.00 USD$828.00 USD
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQN/A$453.00 USD$670.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 1N/A$491.00 USD$743.00 USD
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ$575.00 USD$665.00 USD$990.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 1$575.00 USD$665.00 USD$990.00 USD
TYE 563
Iowa Black RQ$408.00 USD$470.00 USD$865.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$575.00 USD$665.00 USD$990.00 USD
Iowa Black RQ$291.00 USD$336.00 USD$617.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$448.00 USD$509.00 USD$780.00 USD
ATTO 550
Iowa Black RQ$390.00 USD$580.00 USD$865.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$432.00 USD$632.00 USD$880.00 USD
Iowa Black RQN/A$448.00 USD$665.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2N/A$586.00 USD$901.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2N/A$586.00 USD$901.00 USD
Iowa Black RQN/A$486.00 USD$665.00 USD
TEX 615
Iowa Black RQ$408.00 USD$470.00 USD$865.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$575.00 USD$665.00 USD$990.00 USD
Texas Red-X NHS Ester
Iowa Black RQN/A$448.00 USD$665.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2N/A$586.00 USD$901.00 USD
ATTO 590
Iowa Black RQ$390.00 USD$580.00 USD$865.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$432.00 USD$632.00 USD$906.00 USD
Iowa Black RQ$390.00 USD$580.00 USD$865.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$432.00 USD$632.00 USD$906.00 USD
TYE 665
Iowa Black RQ$408.00 USD$470.00 USD$865.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$575.00 USD$665.00 USD$990.00 USD
Iowa Black RQ$291.00 USD$336.00 USD$617.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$448.00 USD$509.00 USD$780.00 USD
TAO / Iowa Black RQ *$291.00 USD$336.00 USD$617.00 USD
Iowa Black RQ$390.00 USD$580.00 USD$865.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$432.00 USD$632.00 USD$948.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 3$632.00 USD$738.00 USD$1,055.00 USD
ATTO 700
Iowa Black RQ$506.00 USD$580.00 USD$865.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 2$527.00 USD$632.00 USD$948.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher 3$632.00 USD$738.00 USD$1,055.00 USD

* ZEN/Iowa Black FQ is a double-quenched probe, which provides superior performance compared to traditional single-quenched probes. For more information, download the PrimeTime Custom qPCR Probes Flyer.

TEX™ fluorophore and JOE are trademarsk of ThermoFisher; TYE™ is licensed from ThermoFisher; Texas Red® is a registered trademark of Molecular Probes, Inc.

PrimeTime Mini/Eco qPCR Probes

Available with a 5′ FAM and the option of a 3′ IBFQ quencher alone or in combination with the internal ZEN quencher.

5' Reporter Dye(s) / Emission (nm)Quencher(s)Delivery AmountDelivery Amount
0.5 nmol2.5 nmol
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ$84.00 USD$102.00 USD
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ$84.00 USD$102.00 USD
ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ$110.00 USD$129.00 USD
TAO/ Iowa Black RQ *$110.00 USD$129.00 USD

* ZEN/Iowa Black FQ is a double-quenched probe, which provides superior performance compared to traditional single-quenched probes. For more information, download the PrimeTime Custom qPCR Probes Flyer.

PrimeTime Express qPCR Probes

HPLC purified. Availabile for lengths of 18–35 bases. Shipped dry. Minimum guarantee of 5 nmol.

Probes are shipped within 2 business days. Additional shipping and handling fees for expedited service apply.

5' Reporter Dye(s)Quencher(s)Minimum Guarantee
5 nmol
FAM 520ZEN / Iowa Black™ FQ$162.00 USD
Black Hole Quencher-1$196.00 USD

* ZEN/Iowa Black™ FQ is a double-quenched probe, which provides superior performance compared to traditional single-quenched probes. For more information, download the PrimeTime Custom qPCR Probes Flyer.

Product Details

Double-Quenched Probes

While traditional probes have approximately 20–30 bases between the fluorophore and the quencher, the internal ZEN or TAO Quencher decreases that length to only 9 bases (Figure 1). This shortened distance, particularly when combined with the traditional 3′ end quencher, leads to a more thorough quenching with lower background and enables the use of longer probes for designing in AT-rich target regions. In addition to the significantly decreased background, Double-Quenched Probes also provide consistently reduced Cq values and improved precision when compared to traditional probes. Use of Double-Quenched Probes can allow you to experience increased precision in your qPCR experiments.

Figure 1. Double-quenched probe showing position of internal ZEN Quencher.

  • ZEN Double-Quenched Probes─ZEN Double-Quenched Probes contain a 5′ fluorophore, 3′ Iowa Black FQ (IBFQ) quencher, and proprietary, internal ZEN quencher. The most commonly supplied 5′ fluorophores includes FAM, TET, Yakima Yellow, SUN, or HEX.
  • TAO Double-Quenched Probes─TAO Double-Quenched Probes are available with a 5′ Cy 5 fluorophore, 3′ Iowa Black RQ (IBRQ) quencher, and proprietary, internal TAO quencher.

For more information download the PrimeTime Custom qPCR Probes Flyer.

PrimeTime Mini qPCR Probes

The smaller scale and lower price of PrimeTime Mini qPCR probes make them ideal for digital PCR (dPCR) applications, testing a new probe for gene expression or genotyping applications, or for testing the conversion to FAM/IBFQ and FAM/ZEN/IBFQ from other FAM-related quenchers. Mini probes are offered with 5′ FAM, SUN, HEX, and Cy 5 fluorophores. Quenchers include 3′ IBFQ alone, double-quenched internal ZEN with 3' IBFQ, or double-quenched internal TAO with 3' IBRQ (Cy 5 only).

PrimeTime Eco qPCR Probes

The PrimeTime Eco qPCR Probe is the ideal scale when you need to perform ~500 reactions for gene expression analysis or genotyping. The combination of medium scale and low cost is ideal for initial screening of large sample sets. Eco scales are also amenable to dPCR applications. Eco qPCR Probes are available as double-quenched probes with 5′ FAM, SUN, HEX, and Cy 5 fluorophores. Quenchers include 3′ IBFQ alone, double-quenched internal ZEN with 3' IBFQ, or double-quenched internal TAO with 3' IBRQ (Cy 5 only).

PrimeTime Express qPCR Probes

PrimeTime Express qPCR Probes are HPLC-purified qPCR probes that are assessed by mass spectrometry for quality control, with traces provided on our website free of charge*. Due to the turnaround time, these probes have limited dye-quencher combinations and synthesis scales.

* With the exception of mixed base oligos, which could potentially represent multiple sequences and therefore cannot be accurately evaluated by ESI-MS.

Selecting the correct reporter dye and quencher

  • Reporter dyes: The correct reporter dye will depend on the type of instrument you are using and the compatibility of the dye with the instrument. Please see the instrument compatibility table for a list of reporter dyes compatible with common instrumentation. For multiplexing applications, we recommend using reporter dyes with the least amount of spectral overlap. For assistance in selecting multiplex dye combinations, use our Multiplexing Dye Selection Tool, which helps you select dyes based on what instrument you have. As an additional reference, for a list of selected IDT dyes and quenchers, please see the dye and quencher wavelength figure and the instrument compatibility table.
  • Quenchers: Traditional dark quenchers absorb broadly and do not emit light, which allows for the use of multiple reporter dyes with a given quencher. This characteristic allows for expanded options for multiplex assays. Dark quenchers are compatible with a broad range of image analysis instruments. These double-quenched probes are an improvement over traditional dual-labeled probes and have consistently low background, reduced Cq values, improved precision, and enable the use of longer probes for design in AT-rich regions. Double-quenched probes are available with a variety of fluorophores, including SUN, FAM, HEX, TET, Yakima Yellow, and Cy 5. For more information download the PrimeTime Custom qPCR Probes flyer. We supply commonly used dark quenchers as well as the proprietary dark quenchers, Iowa Black FQ, Iowa Black RQ, and the internal ZEN Quencher. TAMRA is also a quencher option for a FAM reporter dye.
  • Summary tables:

Overview of 5′ nuclease assays

Step 1—the primers and probe hybridize in a sequence-dependent manner to the complementary DNA strand. Because the probe is intact, the fluorophore and quencher are in close proximity and the quencher absorbs fluorescence emitted by the fluorophore.

Step 2—the polymerase extends from the primers and begins DNA synthesis.

Step 3—the polymerase reaches the probe and the exonuclease activity of the polymerase cleaves the hybridized probe. As a result of cleavage, the fluorophore is separated from the quencher and fluoresces.

Step 4—the fluorescence is measured by the real-time instrument.

These steps are repeated for each PCR cycle. When using intercalating dyes, such as SYBR Green I (Thermo Fisher Scientific), primer-dimers and non-specific products will also contribute to fluorescence. In contrast, the 5′ nuclease assay is specific and fluorescence will only be produced for the DNA sequence to which the probe and primers hybridize.

Product Data

Dye-quencher combinations

To demonstrate the performance of different dye-quencher combinations, we tested a dilution series and showed that the PCR efficiency and R2 values were similar across all dye-quencher combinations available (Figure 2).

Dye-quencher combination FAM/ZEN/Iowa Black FQ Sun/ZEN/Iowa Black FQHEX/ZEN/Iowa Black FQ TET/ZEN/Iowa Black FQ Cy 5/TAO/Iowa Black RQ
Amplification curve Amplification Curve - FAM / Iowa Black FQ Amplification Curve - FAM / TAMRA Amplification Curve - HEX / Iowa Black FQ Amplification Curve - TET / Iowa Black FQ Amplification Curve - Cy5 /Iowa Black RQ
Standard curve Standard Curve - FAM / Iowa Black FQ Standard Curve - FAM / TAMRA Standard Curve - HEX / Iowa Black FQ Standard Curve - TET / Iowa Black FQ Standard Curve - Cy5 /Iowa Black RQ
Efficiency 97.41%% 99.72% 98.37% 97.21% 94.97%
Correlation coefficient (R²) 0.9970.9980.9970.9980.99

Figure 2. Demonstrated assay performance with multiple dye–quencher combinations. A gBlocks™ Gene Fragment dilution series of the HPRT gene was used to test different dye-quencher combinations. The data show PCR efficiency and R2 values close to 1 across all dye/quenchers available for PrimeTime qPCR Assays. All reactions were run using the PrimeTime Gene Expression Master Mix under standard two step cycling conditions 95°C for 3 min, (95 °C for 15 sec + 60°C for 1 min) X 40 on the QuantStudio™ 7 Flex (Thermo Fisher Scientific) 386 well format. Reactions were 10 µL in volume and contained 500 nM primers and 250 nM probe. The PrimeTime Gene Expression Master Mix was used with low ROX reference dye.

Figure 3. PrimeTime qPCR Probes labeled with SUN fluorophores deliver comparable performance to VIC®/MGB-NFQ probes. A double-quenched SUN/ZEN/IBFQ probe was compared to a VIC/MGB-NFQ probe in a qPCR assay for GUSB and PGK1. gBlocks Gene Fragments with sequences identical to GUSB and PGK1 were analyzed over 6 sequential 10‑fold dilutions (102–107 copies). Normalized fluorescence values were plotted (A) including and (B) subtracting background fluorescence. Cq values were comparable, and the final R2 value for both standard curves equaled 0.999. Each reaction was run in triplicate using the PrimeTime Gene Expression Master Mix, and data was generated using the QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System software (Thermo Fisher Scientific) with the following PCR cycling conditions: 10 min 95°C, 40X (15 sec 95°C, 1 min 60°C).

VIC is a registered trademark of Applied Biosystems/LifeTechnologies, Inc.

ZEN Double-Quenched Probes

Achieve maximum quenching for probes as long as 40 bases with ZEN Double-Quenched Probes (Figure 4). Effective quenching means more effective designs, even for AT-rich targets.

Figure 4. ZEN Double-Quenched Probes maintain low background signal with increasing probe length. Probes of either 20 or 40 bases with 4 different quenchers run in 3 replicate reactions with each probe type run with a gBlocks Gene Fragment template (2 x 105 copies) and PrimeTime Gene Expression Master Mix on the QuantStudio™ 7 qPCR instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific).

TAO Double-Quenched Probes

In qPCR experiments, TAO Double-Quenched Probes exhibit decreased background (Figure 5A) and increased signals (Figure 5B) compared to single-quenched probes.

Figure 5. Increased signal to noise ratio from TAO double-quenched probes. Three qPCR assays using the same primer and probe sequences were designed to amplify SFRS9. The assays differed by the quenchers on the probes—the 5′ Cy 5 fluorophore was combined with either TAO and Iowa Black RQ (RQ) quenchers (dark blue, double-quenched probe)or a Black Hole Quencher-2 (BHQ2) quencher (light blue, single-quenched probe). A gBlocks Gene Fragment encoding for SFRS9 sequences was used as template in a 10 µL PCR on a Quantstudio™ 7 with the PrimeTime Gene Expression Mastermix, and the following cycling conditions: 10 min. 95°C; 45 X (15 sec. 95°C, 1 min. 60°C).



We can provide custom formulation for PrimeTime qPCR Probes. Contact us for assistance.


If you require probes that are ISO 13485:2016 certified, or if you are interested in our third-party manufacturing services, please click here.

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PrimeTime™ qPCR Probes Citations

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GMP refers to products manufactured under ISO 13485: 2016 QMS. Purchaser is solely responsible for all decisions regarding the use of these products and any associated regulatory or legal obligations for their legal marketing.
